Sabato 23 Marzo , Visit to the exhibition ” DE NITTIS – Painter of modern life” – Palazzo Reale , Milano –

Visit to the exhibition

DE NITTIS – Painter of modern life


  • 09:00 Departure by coach from JRC Ispra

  • 11:00 Guided tour exhibition in English and Italian (2 groups – min. 15 people each group required)

  • 12:30 Free time for lunch and individual sightseeing in Milan
    (We recommend to visit the “Giornate FAI di Primavera”, the most important public event dedicated to the cultural heritage of Italy, with the extraordinary opening of numerous usually inaccessible or little-known places in Milan)

  • 16:30 Departure from Milan

Cost (ACE members): 20 €

(including entrance fee, guided tour, transport to and from Milan)

Please book before 29/02/2023

More Info:

The exhibition shows a journey through over 100 works, some never exhibited before, tracing the extraordinary career of the great and multifaceted 19th century artist, known as the Italian Impressionist.
From his encounter with the Macchiaioli in Florence, to his fascinating association with the Impressionists in Paris, to his fruitful exchanges with the literary world of the time, we will explore the life and work of De Nittis, from his beginnings in Barletta to his achievement of international fame.
The bright colours and lights of en plein air painting allow De Nittis to uniquely depict both snowy landscapes and the solar energy of fields in bloom, to penetrate the psychology of the characters portrayed and at the same time restore the vibrancy of everyday scenes with extreme freshness, without ever renouncing to imprint in his works that suffused melancholy and feverish enthusiasm of an era subtly poised between past and present.


Saturday 23 Mar 2024




20 €

More Info

Palazzo Reale Milano


Palazzo Reale Milano
Piazza del Duomo, 12 Milano
Sector Events, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)


Sector Events, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
+39 0332 78 9764
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Article on ACE’s 62 years of activity that has just been published on the European Commission’s Intranet: COMMISSION EN DIRECT

L’Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) APS è sorta nel 1962, con la denominazione di Comitato Culturale, per volontà della direzione dell’amministrazione del JRC di Ispra. L’Associazione da oltre sessant’anni svolge la sua attività di promozione della cultura in una declinazione a tutto tondo. Istituita per organizzare e gestire attività culturali del personale del Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC), sito di Ispra, e quindi delle loro famiglie e dei pensionati, in una cornice europea, favorendo anche l’integrazione con il territorio, ha accompagnato la crescita e l’evoluzione del JRC

L'Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) è registrata al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) dal 15 dicembre 2022

Becoming an ACE Member 2024?

From the 1st December 2023 , it is possible to register online for the ACE membership 2024 (35 Euro)

From 1st December 2023, it is also possible to pay the ACE membership fee 2024 (35 Euro) in cash at ACE Library (Each Monday and Thursday morning)

Contact us
Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 21027 ISPRA(VA)
Tel: 0332 78 9764
Biblioteca/videoteca: Monday and Thursday morning 9-12:30
Settore Eventi: Monday and Thursday morning 10-12:30