Giovedi 7 Marzo alle ore 18:00 – Conferenza “Rome: An unconventional tour of “la grande bellezza”. PART I” – Auditorium Club House

Rome: An unconventional tour of “la grande bellezza”. PART I


Imagine you have already seen the top tourist sites on your check-list, jousted the crowds for a peek at Michelangelo’s Pietà, obediently waited in the endless line to the Vatican Stanze,even dutifully strained your eyes and neck for a glance at the unfathomable perfection of the Sistine ceiling, even walked through the ruins of the Forum under the blazing sun, …now you can relax. This is an art lecture which dares you to visit the “other” museums of the Eternal city with curiosity, cajoles you into following an insider’s perspective, to relish in the discovery of roads a little less travelled. A virtual tour which begins with the surreal beauty of ancient Roman frescos in the collection of Palazzo Massimo, continues with dolphins and tortoises of bronze in the Jewish Ghetto, relives the lavish parties of a Roman courtesan beyond the Tiber, allows you to gaze at jewels


Keynote Speaker:Serena Spinelli

Serena Spinelli was born in Rome and educated in France, Ireland, Belgium, Canada, and the United Kingdom. She holds a Bachelor of Arts with high honours in Art History; a Master of Arts from the University of East Anglia, UK; and a diploma from Sotheby’s Institute in London. Currently based in Milan, she has spent 20+ years in the field of Art Education collaborating with museums and international institutions, organizing, designing & conducting lectures, art related tours and performances, writing, and generally devising new routes for art appreciation.”


Thursday 07 Mar 2024




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JRC Club House


JRC Club House
Sector Conferences, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)


Sector Conferences, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
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Article on ACE’s 62 years of activity that has just been published on the European Commission’s Intranet: COMMISSION EN DIRECT

L’Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) APS è sorta nel 1962, con la denominazione di Comitato Culturale, per volontà della direzione dell’amministrazione del JRC di Ispra. L’Associazione da oltre sessant’anni svolge la sua attività di promozione della cultura in una declinazione a tutto tondo. Istituita per organizzare e gestire attività culturali del personale del Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC), sito di Ispra, e quindi delle loro famiglie e dei pensionati, in una cornice europea, favorendo anche l’integrazione con il territorio, ha accompagnato la crescita e l’evoluzione del JRC

L'Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) è registrata al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) dal 15 dicembre 2022

Becoming an ACE Member 2024?

From the 1st December 2023 , it is possible to register online for the ACE membership 2024 (35 Euro)

From 1st December 2023, it is also possible to pay the ACE membership fee 2024 (35 Euro) in cash at ACE Library (Each Monday and Thursday morning)

Contact us
Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 21027 ISPRA(VA)
Tel: 0332 78 9764
Biblioteca/videoteca: Monday and Thursday morning 9-12:30
Settore Eventi: Monday and Thursday morning 10-12:30